Jason & Deborah were in town teaching a multi-day workshop in Williamsburg which Wayne participated in. They were gracious enough to extend their stay a bit, and give a seminar to our members at the Hampton Roads Convention Center on Sunday, for which we are very grateful. You can read Jasons blog post about the workshop HERE
About 40 folks came out to hear all about the Photo tool kit. Jason & Deborah shared some photos and tips in a slide show and answered questions for the attendee’s. If you want to grow as a photographer, you would do well to follow the works of others, for inspiration and education.
There were some great reminders at the seminar-
- Shoot for the light you have… make what you have work for you… choose your subject based on the light.. You may WANT to photograph that flower field, but is high noon with harsh light really the best time? It’s a bit overcast? now is the time to shoot those flowers in soft diffused light.. So look at what you have to work with and choose your subjects accordingly not the other way around.
- Just because you finished processing your photo in one program doesn’t mean you have to be done. Different programs offer different features.. why not use all the tools available to you? A little lightroom, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex, Topaz… whatever the programs, no need to limit yourself to one..use all the tools available to you in your toolkit.
- Deborah emphasized waiting for the right light & choosing the proper lens for the look you want and processing accordingly. What I took away from Deborah’s comments was a reminder, that it is a process… the planning/waiting/scouting, equipment choices, and choosing the correct processing for your vision. Don’t simply take a photograph and go home and process it…think about what you want.. plan it out…then execute it accordingly. Seeing the results of her efforts, I believe this is my new mantra.
Jason I have followed for a couple of years, but Deborah Sandidge was new to me. By the end of dinner, I was convinced to convert my older camera body to IR only… I had been toying with the idea for quite a while, just never got around to it, I suppose because the IR filter I bought was rather pricey, and in my mind, hadn’t been used enough…. but looking at her IR gallery was just the kick I needed!
Connect with these great photographers and educators thru the following links:
Jason is on Google+ and on facebook, go like his page Luminescence of Nature Press
Jason’s website is Luminescence of Nature Photography and offers wonderful e-books, workshops, webinars, books and inspiration to take your own photos to the next level.
Deborah Sandidge has a website that will wow and inspire you.. Deborah Sandidge Photography you can also keep up with her on FACEBOOK