Synchronize Your Passions

Written by on July 15, 2019 in Uncategorized

Life is not a zero-sum game. Attention to one passion need not diminish another. Indeed, the pie can grow. We in the HRDPC community have a passion for photography. We eat, drink and sleep photography, because it brings joy and fulfillment to our lives. But, what about our other passions? Do we leave them behind? No! Here’s an example, I love studying American history. What better place to live than Hampton Roads for that? In 2013, in support of our club’s Project 52, I selected a theme: “Points of interest in Hampton Roads.” Each week, I traveled to a different location to, not only photograph, but to learn. I researched them online and took tours. And along the way, I picked up little crumbs that led me to other places of phenomenal significance. When I synchronized my passions of photography and history, it advanced my understanding of both. What’s your passion? Music, Art, Animals, Environment, Family? Which passions can you synchronize? Go!

Steven Hoagland

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